Design Studio 06U
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture

Student design project 2017/ 2018 Topola (Ema Vasiljević)

Student design project 2017/ 2018 Topola (Kosta Dimitrijević)

Student design project 2018/ 2019 Trebinje (Tamara Vićović)

Student design project 2019/ 2020 Trstenik (Mitra Vasiljević)
A Design Studio course is always site-specific and contextually based. Within studio, urban morphology, both as a theoretical framework and practical tool is used, for site-specific design and context-sensitive researches. Within the Design studio, the teaching process is organized in that way that it is intensely devoted to foster individual approaches of students and culture of communication, both verbal and visual. The course consists of three independent parts – Seminar, Workshop and Design Studio. Each mentor/ teacher within the course can organize it according to his own methods. According to this a specific methodological approach was developed within the Design Studio by teachers in question.