Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development – InHeriT

Mediterranean Cultural heritage and its possible adaptive reuse for the sake of sustainable social, environmental and economic development

This video briefly presents the objectives and the content – activities related to the InHeriT Sustainable Heritage Week at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture in Chania in May-June 2018. The week was included in the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage events. The general curator of the week was Nikolas Patsavos. The second day of the Conference was curated by  Amalia Kotsaki. Video by Alexandra Vassileiou and Katerina Voukelatou.

For access to the intellectual outputs of the project please visit:

Author: Nikolas Patsavos
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University Of Ioannina

Biography ↗

Nikolas Patsavos (Athens, 1977), Dipl Arch AUTH, is the co-founding and managing partner of the architecture platform Ctrl_Space Lab, and the project architect for a series of research and applied projects, workshops, publications and exhibitions. Since 2001, he has been a researcher at the AA Graduate School, the British School at Rome, the NTUA, TU Crete and the University of Thessaly. He has been teaching architecture design and theory-critique, at both undergraduate and graduate level, since 2003, at the AA, TU Crete, and the Universities of Thessaly, Nicosia and Frederick (CY), and at Ioannina since the foundation of the School at 2015. Research interests: postindustrial architectural culture and knowledge, strategic design, ekistics, sustainable heritage, design methods.

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