Development of the Industry 6.0 concept in architecture

The master’s thesis deals with researching the possibility of applying the concept of industry 6.0 in architecture with the aim of restoring abandoned spaces within the city core, thereby creating a new space for further healthy development of the city. Abandoned spaces such as the Sugar Factory, Thermal Power Plant Snaga i Svetlost and others in Belgrade, from the former production function, become training grounds for the implementation of innovative Industry 6.0 solutions, which, with their automation and mutual neural network, facilitate the production processes of hybrid solutions for purification and power generation. The goal is to create a quality environment for the development of new technologies that would initiate a new era of industrialization. By combining the experience of previous industrial revolutions and the awareness of their consequences, the idea of industry 6.0 – water purification and maintenance systems, clean air and innovative ways of fuel production as the future of technology is born. In order for innovation to exist in the industrial-technological sphere, there must be a space that allows scientists and engineers to work regularly, a space where ideas are born, developed and produced. The conversion of the former sugar factory in Čukarica into a Scientific and Industrial Park creates space for the aforementioned development and education. By researching the impact of industrialization, the history of industry in Belgrade and the work of the Sugar Factory, the basis for further work is acquired. Assuming that the project is in a future context, the technologies mentioned in the paper are emerging today and assume that they are already developed and in the process of being used. As a product of a complete multi-level research, support for translation into a project is reached, the functions within the complex are connected to the context and physical structure, that is, to the city’s system of intelligent vehicles that easily carry out transportation. Also, the main part of the park is the production of technology and algae that later form bioreactor systems that are further used to purify polluted nature.