La Narrazione dell’Assente | Narration of the Absent
Manovre e strategie di riappropriazione dell’antico attraverso il caso dell’antica città di Noto | Strategies for the re-appropriation of ancient through the case of the ancient city of Noto

The analysis develops the theme of the interpretation as a multidisciplinary tool to understand the archaeological fragments. The case study is the plain of Mount Alveria. It was the foundation site of the Ancient Noto before it was rebuilt in its current position after the 1693 earthquake. The ancient city had a fundamental role in controlling the territory during the Arabic and Spanish domination. The site contains essential evidence of its history, but, for many aspects, its knowledge is only at the beginning. The Ancient City “suspended in the time” is a significant site to test a method of approach to intangible values through the edge between conservation, reconstruction and reuse. The analysis uses the study of archival documents, the report of archaeological excavation reports, architectural surveys and the cataloguing of the fragments associated with placing all these elements in the urban settlement and landscape. These tools are necessary to deepen the knowledge of the place and to identify a structure of signs characterized not only by the material historical data but also by an intangible memorial meaning. Using the architecture’s narrative values, each fragment has been interpreted as a sign that can explain itself through its material significance and relationship with the other fragments. This reference to semiotics is an instrument to relate the evaluations on a system of limits, previously said, as a preliminary evaluation for the design proposal in the conservation of archaeological ruins.