Microclimate for Cultural Heritage

“Microclimate for Cultural Heritage: Conservation, Restoration, and Maintenance of Indoor and Outdoor Monuments” by Dario Camuffo, is presented as a handbook of theoretical and practical information on the impact of environmental parameters and microclimate conditions on cultural heritage objects and monuments focusing on conservation methods and tools and utilizing knowledge from multiple scientific fields. Acknowledging a profile evolution of contemporary professionals in the environmental and heritage conservation fields which involves multidisciplinary approaches and cooperation among various specialists in science, engineering and conservation, the book provides information on “applied theory”, “microphysics” and “the basic ideas of environmental diagnosis and conservation” as well as a practical guide with case studies, details of microclimate field surveys, examples, and suggestions. In the current framework of heritage conservation, cutting edge tools, instrumentation and methodologies for microclimate analysis and material performance examination under the influence of high impact environmental factors such as extreme temperature, solar radiation, airflow, humidity, water interaction, pollution etc. can be considered essential for practical applications. Therefore, the provided information containing up to date technological findings based on high quality standards and experimental research combined with case studies and examples seems highly important for the quality and the efficiency of conservation of cultural heritage elements both at indoor and outdoor conditions.