Belgrade morphogensis

Timeframe of Belgrade mass housing development

Case Study Selection

Multiscale analysis of Koteži settlement, Belgrade, Serbia

Multiscale analysis of PKB settlement, Belgrade, Serbia

Multiscale analysis of Dunavgrad settlement, Belgrade, Serbia
The dissertation is based on the belief that the need for specific analytical research strategies and the development of a methodological framework for their application are the central problems in the contemporary field of architectural research, education, and practice. In this sense, the focus is on discovering the contemporary nature of architectural programming methodology, its development, and its roots. The reason and topicality of the research are thus reflected in the need to redefine the conceptual and methodological framework of the program in architectural discourse and design process in accordance with new generations of design methods and schools of thought.
In order to decode all challenges within the design discipline, and highlight the process-based nature of design, the thematic framework of research is directed towards paradigmatic argumentation of architectural programming methodology and its position in the contemporary context of research and practice through a triple research position – epistemology, praxiology and phenomenology of design. The primary goal of the research is aimed at developing a scientifically-based presentation and critical explanation of the position and role of the conceptual-methodological framework of the program in architectural discourse as an analytical and multicriteria-oriented apparatus for systematizing ideas, defining design problems, and evaluating final design solutions.
The research results include three pillars: (1) concept – systematized review of the theoretical framework and practical application of architectural programming methodology, and program definition in architectural discourse with a chronological review of bibliographic sources and classification of precedents by paradigms, (2) context – systematic review of architectural programming methodology development and application in the local context, and (3) curriculum – identification of programming perspectives and models, and explication of their role within contemporary architectural research, education and practice. Through the study of fundamental design methods and methodology of architectural programming, the dissertation resulted not only in a systematized paradigmatic review, but also in practical knowledge of the relationship between programming perspectives and spatial morphology. In addition, the application of research results was established by the introduction of an indirect subject of research, the spatial framework of the Third Belgrade.
Keywords: methodology of architectural design, architectural program, design paradigms, design methods movement, programming perspectives, housing