Visual Comfort Design

Alexandrou Demetriou Tower / Cyprus, Nicosia. General view of the Tower. Shading Mask for overshadowing for the main façade (credits: Aimilios Michael, Vasilis Ierides, Stavroula Christofilopoulou)

Alexandrou Demetriou Tower / Cyprus, Nicosia. General view of the Tower. Daylight analysis of the initial design of the floor (winter & summer) (credits: Aimilios Michael, Vasilis Ierides, Stavroula Christofilopoulou)
Visual comfort design takes as a target to achieve visual comfort in buildings. Visual comfort is a subjective condition of visual well-being induced by the luminous environment and usually defined through a set of criteria based on the level of light in a room, the balance of contrasts, the colour ‘temperature’ and the absence or presence of glare. Visual comfort design can be applied in any kind of building. A correct natural lighting design can be a tool for sustainable refurbishment, guaranteeing cultural heritage conservation and preventive protection and recovery of the historical, architectural and philological value of old and/or listed buildings. Visual comfort design can be a significant part of education as natural light represents time as the fourth dimension as it renders shape, space and detail changing over time and should be incorporated in undergraduate and postgraduate courses.