Student Workshop 1 - Group 3
Fluid Borders - Confini Fluidi

Group 3 Output | A1 Panel
After finding many references in traces of the old gate present on the south of the Valmarana Salvi garden, we understood the essence and presence of the ancient gates and the possibilities to enter the garden. We were aware that on the north façade was the ancient city wall that allowed the river to pass through the Valmarana Salvi garden. The gates were the entrances and intermediate spaces created before entering this place for leisure.
Our choice is to enhance ancient gates by designing flooring and enhancing natural elements. The people living and working around the, get confronted again from all directions with the presence of the Valmarana Salvi garden.
The gate on the east side of the Valmarana Salvi garden is hidden within the houses around the garden; we would like to re-open this path to the public so that the visitors enter again through the Loggetta Valmarana (this means to re-open the door in this loggia that is closed now).