Teaching Activities: Final Diploma Projects
ARH 503 ∣ Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

The final diploma project is carried out during the last two semesters of five-year Architecture program. It is a theoretical and design project prepared by each individual student. The theme of the project is chosen by each student and discussed with the supervisor. The aim of this work is the development of design and research skills. Many projects regarding heritage, historic buildings, traditional settlements, etc., are often chosen by students.
In this framework I have supervised a number of diploma design theses, including projects that have been awarded distinctions and best diploma thesis awards. Designs were developed through analytical and compositional processes, very often investigating existing structures, with proposals for their sustainable reuse. For example, historic public buildings (i.e. the old Berengaria Hotel), as well as old industrial areas (Mitsero mine) were analysed, and proposals for their rehabilitation were prepared as well as tackling entire abandoned villages (such as the traditional village of Ayios Sozomenos and the village Finicas). Very innovative proposals have been prepared, taking into consideration contemporary spatial and socio-economic aspects in addition to the character and the spirit of the site under investigation. One of these diploma projects – the proposal for the revival of Finicas village, implemented through the introduction of a new productive activity related to water – was recently awarded the best diploma project award.