Temporary planning and Meanwhile spaces

Workshop Thextile. Approximations; Copyright: Gema Florido, Daniel López, José E. Medina, Lola Reynolds, Ana B. Santos, María Olmedo. 2013

Workshop Thextile. Contextualization; Copyright: Enrique Larive López, Victoria Segura Raya. 2013

Workshop Thextile. Actors; Copyright: Lolo Vasco. 2013

“Meanwhile” is a search process rather than a conclusive result. It constitutes the theoretical and practical construction of a panorama of methodological reference in the approach, recognition and active research developed on disused spaces, landscapes and architectures in obsolescence or abandonment, influencing the category of spaces “In Transit”.

Innovation is in the process of recovering the beauty of frontier spaces. What we have called “meanwhile…” is a collaborative, transversal and direct transfer space-time.

The interaction of the local community and the emergence of a feeling of identity and recognition of values are encouraged. It is a process that allows the two realities, the inactive and the emergent, to be brought closer together and that affects the dialogue between the contemplated landscape, the hidden landscape and the wounded landscape.

“In Transit” establishes a cooperation with the place, inviting experimentation and acting as an attractor of contemporary actions in its consideration as landscapes in reclamation. It is an intensifier of what already exists, promoting adaptive reuse so that the healing of the border space acts as a resource for sustainable urban development.

The issues distilled from this experimental and investigative process are discussed under three main theses: reuse, ruin, and vagueness (or uncertainty).

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Author: Victoria Segura Raya

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