Use of GIS technology
N-340 roadway corridor project

N-340 roadway corridor project Mar Loren Méndez - Principal researcher. Compilation of the heritage assets of the corridor. European, national, regional, and local heritage protection. Research results inserted into: IECA Topographical Map of Andalusia scale 1:400.000, 2008

N-340 roadway corridor project. Mar Loren Méndez - Principal researcher. Existence of heritage assets in the corridor prior to motorized traffic. Restored watchtower, Salto La Mora, Casares (Malaga) and military quarters of the ‘carabineros,’ Guadalquitón Dunes, San Roque (Cádiz) April 2015. N-340 Research Team.

N-340 roadway corridor project Mar Loren Méndez - Principal researcher. Analysis of human activity in the corridor. Snapshot of corridor heritage prior to motorized traffic. National Topographic Map produced by the German Army, detail of sheet 1072, scale 1:50.000, first edition, 1916 in National Geographic Institute (IGN), Ministry of Development, Government of Spain.
Geographical Information System (GIS) are a computer-based set of tools that work with georeferenced data using spatial or geographic coordinates (geodata) with practical purpose. Developed from the evolution of different software such as Databases Manager System (DMS), Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and image processing GIS works as a database where geometry and geographical representation associated to spatial data. From its beginning in 1960 the use of GIS focus in the environmental management and end up broadening to other fields with special implication in heritage. The use of GIS is spread around different field like surveying of environmental risk, climate monitoring, elaboration of maps and cartography or territorial analysis. Focusing on heritage and sustainability the construction of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) stands out like the main tool where public and private institution promote the inclusion of different data at national and international level. The use of GIS in this field constitutes a net where tools, software and information are meshed and allow both professional and student to create, manage, analyse, and query any works around all types of spatial data.