IO2. Questionnaire for the State of Art

IO2: Questionnaire for the State of Art forms the second deliverable of the first phase of the HERSUS project, whereby analytical, process and problem-based research is carried out in order examine the state of the art in the field of urban and architectural design education, in line with the concepts of sustainability and heritage.

Intellectual Output 2: Questionnaire for the State of Art is the product of a survey design, dissemination and analysis strategy, managed by the AUTH HERSUS team and undertaken by all HERSUS participating institutions. The survey consisted of a two-pronged approach focusing on two target groups, experts and students, residing in the Hersus respective countries, aiming at creating an argumentative and critically analyzed report on the state of learning of sustainability and heritage in the field of the urban and architectural design of higher education.

The purpose of IO2 is to support the participating Architectural Schools in establishing high-quality standards connected to teaching in the field of sustainability of the built heritage, through cross-cultural communication and problem solving at an international context.

The process allows the results of IO1 and IO2 to serve as a basis for creation of Statements for teaching through design for Sustainability of the Built Environment and Heritage Awareness (IO3), all with the aim of creating a professional profile of a designer for the sustainability of built environment and heritage. Furthermore, all these intellectual outputs should result as a basis for future research in the subject area and as a value framework and an occasion for other European schools of architectural and urban design to engage in action for thematic innovation of study programs.

(Extract from the Introduction, AUTH)

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