Keyword: Heritage
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Energy renovation of heritage buildings using BIM tools and Energy Performance Contracts
Guidelines for the development of an Energy Efficient Heritage Building Information Model
HERSUS @ PLEA 2022 STGO Online Sessions
Emerging Heritage
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Key factor for improvement of architectural education – ALGM
Documentary Heritage
Booms, H., Joldersma, H., & Klumpenhouwer, R. (1987). Society and the formation of a documentary heritage: issues in the appraisal of archival sources. Archivaria, 24, 69-107. Retrieved from
Britz, J., & Lor, P. (2004). A moral reflection on the digitization of Africa’s documentary heritage. IFLA journal, 30(3), 216-223. Retrieved from
Edmondson, R., Jordan, L., & Prodan, A. C. (Eds.). (2019). The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: Key Aspects and Recent Developments. Basingtoke (United Kingdom): Springer Nature.
Feather, J. (2006). Managing the documentary heritage: issues from the present and future. Preservation management for libraries, archives and museums. In G.E. Gorman, & S.J. Shep (Eds.). Preservation Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums (pp. 1-18). London (United Kingdom): Facet Plublishing. doi:10.29085/9781856049214.002
Icomos (1994). The Nara Document on Authenticity. Nara (Japan): International Council on Monuments and Sites. Retrieved from
Peña, P., & Miguel, J. (2013). El patrimonio cultural, bibliográfico y documental de la humanidad: Revisiones conceptuales, legislativas e informativas para una educación sobre patrimonio. Cuicuilco, 20(58), 31-57. Retrieved from
Rowlands, M., & De Jong, F. (2016). Reconsidering heritage and memory. In F. de Jong (Ed.). Reclaiming Heritage (pp. 13-29). New York (U.S.A.): Routledge.
Westeel, I. (2009). Le patrimoine passe au numérique. Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, 1, 28-35.